Command Your Soul

Cheyenne Hardy
3 min readJun 30, 2021


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

As I sat in the basement of the lodge at Camp Wakonda, my heart was heavier than it had ever been. This was my third summer working there and, while I was excited to be a counselor again, there were struggles in my personal life that were dragging me down. I had just graduated high school and said goodbye to my best friends because I would be moving away from Michigan to attend Union College after camp. Loneliness is not just something first-time campers experience. I was in a transition stage and, while I had felt God leading me down this path, I too was lonely.

The first couple weeks at camp were used for preparation as the staff had meetings and cleaned up the cabins before the summer began. Pastor Greg, the camp director, would daily repeat his reminder to “get your sleep and time with Jesus.” So I took his advice. Every spare minute I got I would steal away to the basement of the girl’s lodge and find a quiet corner. Sometimes I would cry, sometimes I would pray, but most of the time I would read Psalms of encouragement. I poured out my worries, loneliness, and frustration to God and was more honest with Him than I had ever been.

As I processed my emotions, there were times during the day when I would feel overwhelmed and it was all I could do to pray, “Jesus I need you. I need your joy to get me through today.” Normally, I sing to myself in the shower or while getting ready in the morning, but during those first few weeks of camp I did not feel like singing. However, one song kept going through my mind and it goes like this:

“I command my soul to praise the Lord, I command my soul to praise the Lord. Soul, praise the Lord. Soul, praise the Lord!”

I did have to command my soul. Many days I did not feel like singing or praising. However, with that song and the daily reminder of my need for God’s joy to get me through every hour of every day, slowly but surely I began to actually feel His joy in my heart. After a couple weeks, I would be walking alone and instead of lonely thoughts, I would feel peaceful, joyful contentment. There was no reason for this feeling and I knew that God was answering my simple prayers. I now look back on that as the best summer I spent at camp, mainly because I felt Jesus closer than I ever had before.

“Our happiness comes not from what is around us, but from what is within us; not from what we have, but from what we are.” EGW (My Life Today, June 30).

Jesus offers to fill our hearts with His presence. We need never feel lonely or discouraged, for He is our strength and will carry us through. Our circumstances will not always be ideal but happiness can be found regardless of our situation. God’s joy can be a steady foundation that remains constant no matter what happens in your life. Recognize your need, ask Him for this joy, and command your soul to praise Him!

