Dear Edward: Year 5

Cheyenne Hardy
3 min readJun 17, 2024


Keeping our tradition of kissing on (most) bridges we hike across — maybe this is where it all started. Engagement pictures , circa 2018, curtesy of Elena Cornwell Photography

What a year this has been! In some ways it flew by, in other ways the growth process crept along. Overall, we find ourselves celebrating 5 years of a marriage which has proven the adage “time flies when you’re having fun.” Going through life with Edward is absolutely a joy.

With each new adventure comes an opportunity for personal and relational growth. In many ways, we are not the same people we were five years ago.

As I have done each year, there are new vows I want to share with Edward and, because vows are a public declaration, I invite you to listen in. If we got married after five years of marriage, this is what I would say:


  1. I promise to always hike through the rain with you. While the move to Washington has prompted this declaration, Edward has been known to select especially muddy hikes even in Nebraska. Once I learned to wear the correct hiking gear no matter how “light” of a walk we were planning for, I started to enjoy slipping along the trails. While there is less mud out here due to the landscape, adding a raincoat to my non-negotiable hiking wardrobe has allowed us to go out rain or shine (or rain and more rain).

2. I promise to travel together whenever possible because I find memories are the most enjoyable when I share them with you!

3. I promise do my best to be patient and kind when you have a rough day. I’m grateful for your grace on days I am less than understanding. But, I will continue to work on being a peaceful place for you to process thoughts and emotions.

4. I promise to remember you have my best interest at heart when you (gently) push me out of my comfort zone — you provide a safe space for me to try new things. I am still trying to reach your level of dancing, but I know I’m better than I was 5 years ago!

Dancing at Sarah and Coleman’s wedding, August 2023

5. I promise to look for the silver linings in life’s hard lessons…the car may have broken down 2 hours away from home but at least we found our new favorite Indian restaurant nearby!

6. I promise to keep enjoying quiet nights with you — walking around the neighborhood at dusk, sitting in the stillness of the Christmas tree, moonlit hikes or just relaxing on the couch. I like being in your presence.

7. I promise to continue making you laugh even if the timing is inconvenient — everything is funnier when you’re trying to suppress a giggle (like when we’re brushing our teeth).

8. I promise to continue serving beside you as we find ways to be involved in our community. You have many talents to share and I admire your willing heart. Thank you for inspiring me to keep giving.

The support puppy was the best part.

Thank you for a wonderful 5 years — it is a joy to go through each day with you. My heart is still yours. I love you best friend!

